Thursday, August 2, 2007


So last night I finally went through all my photos thus far and decided to finally share some of these with you, starting with Artscape:

We will start with the breakdancers. Mainly because when I got dropped off, I found myself at the back end of Artscape at the DJ tent crossing N. Charles Street. It was still early when I got there, so there was hardly anyone there. No large crowds, no obnoxious was actually kind of nice.

As much as I have been known to bash a breakdancer once in a while (my boy Rob has been known to say "A bboy will always be a boy")


Okay, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Apparently even with blogging, my ADD sets in. The news is always playing in the background for me in the morning to remind me that I need to get my ass up. But as I was typing to you about breakdancers, I overheard the newscasters on WBAL talking about that video about the Cebu Inmates. Haha, you know, that dance video? If I had more time I would research the video and offer you guys a link. At this time I know that for sure the only person who has that link on their blog would be Angry Asian Man.

The first thing that popped into my mind as the newscaster goes, "Look how coordinated they are! Those guys can really dance!" was

of course they can, they are FILIPINO!

Because I think we all know which Filipino we all know who can rock it out to any Michael Jackson or any song for that matter... *cough ahem J ahem cough*

Alright people, I am off to work, and then tomorrow- go to the doctor! Wish me luck! I am hoping for the best.


May Tam said...

emily!!! i just caught up to ur blog... best of luck to u tomorrow, honeypoo....

Blue Ryder said...

Hope everything worked out for you this weekend, and
hopefully you stayed cool at VirginFest!!!